Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cancer awareness association

Cancer ? what is it ?? how does it affect the human life ?? are there many types of it ??

thousands of questions can be asked trough this particular word..

Well that's why we have the :

Cancer awareness association

Cancer awareness association analysis is a non-government organization (NGO) located in
Al-Adiaba in Muscat govern-orate:

Its main aim is to Increase the awareness about different classes of cancer.
As the other NGOs we had visited the cancer awareness. They we very kind and they didn't have any problem to mention any thing about the association. We have been into the MMU. It is a huge and modified van with the latest technology to look for the breast cancer which is totally free.

They usually use the public relations to advert about the association which is a powerful way to do advertise.

If you are interested to have a role in increasing the cancer awareness, volunteer

For more info check their web-site

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dar AlattaĆ” (house of giving) is one of the most active organisations in the Sultante of Oman. It has played a major role in helping the poor and those in need by providing them with different things that they require.
This is a list of the types of support they provide:
  • Mortgage Payoff
  • House Furnishing
  • Paying Rent
  • Paying Debts
  • Medical Support
  • Fixing Sewerage Pipes
  • Wheelchairs for Disabled Children
  • School Bags for Students
  • Rhamadhan Supplies (annually)
These projects are financed through sponcerships, charity fairs, ect.

the image below shows some of the changes they have made:

For more information visit there website:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Help them have a colorful world

have you ever imagined waking up in the morning and seeing all darkness?!! If you can't imagine it, others are living in it for their whole lives, the blinds. Have you ever thought to be the mean to transfer the image to them of how does the world look like?

Al-noor association for the blind is a non-government organization (NGO) located in Al-Khwair in Muscat governorate. Their top aims are:

  • prepare and implement plans and programs that aims to improve the living standards for the blind in the Sultanate of Oman.

  • Serve the interest of the blind in social, economic, welfare, education, health, training, placement and teaching of braill.

  • In corporation with the responsible authorities, explore employement opprtunities for the blind according to their visual condition.

we had a visit there and for me it was really nice to see the blinds practicing activities. They were working on plays being acted and directed by all blinds. And it wass surprising for me when I saw that old man who happened to be professional in technology stuff and can fix problems with computers where normal people cannot.

If you are interested to have a role in coloring their grey world, volunteer

for more info check their web-site and to donate click here

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Association of Early Intervention for Children with Spatial Needs in Oman

It’s one of the very active n-government organizations in Oman. It was established in March 2000 to fill the gap for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation services for a neglected age group.

What is special about it is that it has the first and only complete unit to evaluate and rehabilitation children with special needs in Oman.

This association takes in children with different disabilities from the age of birth to 9 years old. Each childe entering the center, which looks like any other kindergarten, is examined and evaluated by a full team of specialized people in children disabilities and a special program is done for each child and progress is monitored every day.

This center depends only on the people of the society and the private sector

for funds and support. It always welcomes people to participate in its special events as well at its every day activates within the center.

You can visit them at early intervention center located in Muscut, AL Adaba on the AL Adaba coastline rood any time from 8 am to 2pm , Saturday to Wednesday or simply just visit their website: .

Also you can contact them to know more about them and if you can help them in any way on their phone number: 24496960 e-mail: